Lords Ayurveda Research Center

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    Family :Caesalpinoidea
    Synonyms: Kankeli, madhu pushpa, gatasoka
    Rasa :astringent, bitter
    Guna :light,rough
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :pithahara, hrgya, varnya
    Indication :thirst, indigestion, burning sensation, worms, poison, heart diseases, bleeding, urinary problems.
    Parts used :stem bark, seeds
    Therapeutic uses :
    Menorrhagia – cold milk boiled with asoka bark decoction
    Asmari – seed powder of asoka is administered with water
    Formulations :Asokarishtam, asoka ghrtam

    Family : Caesalpinioideae
    Synonyms:Krtamala, caturangula, suvarnahusana
    Rasa :sweet
    Guna :soft,heavy,unctuous
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :sweet
    Karma :kapha pithahara
    Indication : skin disease, diabetes, arthritis, hyperthyroidism, jaundice, gout, fever
    Parts used : root bark, leaves, flower, fruit pulp
    Therapeutic uses :
    Jaundice – fruit pulp is given with the juice of sugarcane or vidari or amalaki after fortifying with trikatu
    Hyperthyroidism – root bark of aragwada is grinded with rice water and used for nasya and lepa.
    Formulations : Aragwadarishtam, aragwadhadi lehya

    Family :Euphorbiaceae
    Synonyms: Datri, vayastha, vayasya, vrsya
    Rasa :sour , panca rasa(except lavana)
    Guna :laghu
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :sweet
    Karma :tridosahara, vayasthapana, rasayana, caksusya, vrsya
    Indication :Diabetes, bleeding disorder, eye disorders, insomnia, dysuria
    Parts used :fruit rind / fruit pulp
    Therapeutic uses :
    Soma roga – ripen banana, juice of amalaki, honey and sugar are taken together.
    Prameha – amalaki and haridra juice with honey

    Family : Asteraceae
    Synonyms: Kesaranjana, kesaraja, markava
    Rasa :Pungent, bitter
    Guna :Rough, light
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :Kapha vata hara, kesya, rasayana, balya, caksusya, dantya
    Indication : Pandu, kamala, svasa, kasa, netra roga, hrdroga, krimi, kushta, sotha, sirah sula.
    Parts used : whole plant
    Therapeutic uses :
    Garbhasthapana – cow’s milk with equal quantity of bhrnga raja svarasa should be given to pregnant woman.
    Naktandhayata – matsyandas boiled in bhrngaraja svarasa when consumed for a period of seven days will cure night blindness.
    Formulations : Bhrngaraja taila, nilibhrngadi taila, sadbindu taila, bhrngarajasava.

    Family : Rutaceae
    Synonyms: Malurah, sailusa
    Rasa : astringent,bitter
    Guna :light, rough
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :vk reduction, digestive stimulant, absorbant
    Indication : Diarrhoea, sprue, diabetes, oedema, indigestion
    Parts used : fruit, leaves, root
    Therapeutic uses :
    Jaundice – leaf juice of bilva is given along with trikatu
    Diarrhoea – fruit pulp of bilva and madhuka are mixed with sugar and honey and administered with rice water.
    Formulations : bilvadi vati, bilva taila, bilva rasayana, bilvavaleha, dasamoolarishtam

    Family :Santalaceae
    Synonyms: Gandhasara, malayaja, sveta candana.
    Rasa : Bitter, sweet
    Guna :light,rough
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka : pungent
    Karma : kapha pithahara, varnya, dahaprasamana
    Indication : Daha, jvara, kushta, visarpa, kandu, trsna, raktapitha
    Parts used : Heart wood, volatile oil
    Therapeutic uses :
    Prameha – decoction of arjuna & candana is recommended and in manjishta meha, the decoction of manjishta and candana is recommended
    Chardi – candana is given along with juice of amalaki
    Formulations : Chandanasava, candanadi taila, candanadi kvatha

    Family :Punicaceae
    Synonyms :Phalamla, rakta puspa
    Rasa :astringent, sweet,sour
    Guna :light, unctuous
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka :sweet/sour
    Karma :tridoshahara, hrdya,sukrala
    Indication :bleeding disorder, bleeding piles, fever, burning sensation, thirst
    Parts used :fruit,fruit rind,root bark, floral bud
    Therapeutic uses :Upadamsa – Powder of bankhuka leaves and dadima bark may be dusted over the scrotum
    Arsa – ghee prepared with dadima svarasa and yava ksara will check bleeding and pain
    Formulations : Dadimastaka curna, bhaskara lavana curna, dadimadi ghrta

    Family : Euphorbiaceae
    Synonyms: Gandharvahasta, citraka, vyaghrapuccha
    Rasa : Sweet, pungent, astringent
    Guna :unctuous, sharp,penetrate
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka : sweet
    Karma : kapha vatahara, recana, vrsya(root)
    Indication : Vata vyadhi, pliha roga, udavarta, vastisula, gulma, antra vrddhi, katisula, sirahsula, prameha, vatarakta etc.
    Parts used :root,leaf,seed , oil
    Therapeutic uses :
    Slipada – eranda taila mixed with cow’s urine may be taken for one month while consuming diet of rice and milk
    Parsvasula – yavaksara is added to eranda kvatha and taken.
    Kasa – ksara of eranda leaves is mixed with trikatu, oil and jiggery is useful on oral administration.
    Formulations :Rasnairandadi kasaya, simhanada guggulu, erandadi taila, gandharvahasthadi kwatha

    Family :Burseraceae
    Synonyms: Kousika, devadhupa, palamkasa
    Rasa :bitter, pungent
    Guna : light, rough, penetrate through minute pores,-old ; unctuous, slimy-new
    Virya : hot
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :reduce tridosha, rasayana, aphrodisiac
    Indication : obesity, arthritis, vata vyadhi, diabetes, thyroid disfunction, pimple, urinary calculus, piles, skin diseases
    Parts used :olceo – resin/ gum
    Therapeutic uses :
    Amavata – haritaki, guggulu and silajit may be given with urine.
    Knee joint pain(kroshtuka sheersha) – guggulu may be used with triphala decoction.
    Formulations :yogaraja guggulu tablets, punarnava guggulu tablets, guggulu tiktaka kashayam and ghrta, kaisora guggulu tablets

    Family :Combretaceae
    Synonyms: amrta, abhaya, siva, vijaya
    Rasa : pancarasa except lavana, kasaya mainly
    Guna :light, rough
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka :sweet
    Karma :tridoshahara, rasayana, improves vision,anulomana, prajasthapana
    Indication :diabetes, constipation,skin disorders, vomiting, gout, worms, cough.
    Parts used : fruit rind
    Therapeutic uses :
    Ajirna – haritaki is taken with nimbi
    Prameha – haritaki powder given with honey
    Formulations :Abhayarishta, pathyadi kwatha, triphala ghrta, triphala curna, dasamoola haritaki

    Family :Combretaceae
    Synonyms: amrta, abhaya, siva, vijaya
    Rasa : pancarasa except lavana, kasaya mainly
    Guna :light, rough
    Virya :hot
    Vipaka :sweet
    Karma :tridoshahara, rasayana, improves vision,anulomana, prajasthapana
    Indication :diabetes, constipation,skin disorders, vomiting, gout, worms, cough.
    Parts used : fruit rind
    Therapeutic uses :
    Ajirna – haritaki is taken with nimbi
    Prameha – haritaki powder given with honey
    Formulations :Abhayarishta, pathyadi kwatha, triphala ghrta, triphala curna, dasamoola haritaki

    Family :Caecalpinoideae
    Synonyms :Gandar, kovidara
    Rasa :Astringent
    Guna :sharp,light
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma : kapha- pithahara, gigestive stimulant
    Indication : Thyroid, bleeding disorder, dysuria, piles, measals
    Parts used :stem bark, flowers
    Therapeutic uses :
    Gandhamala – fresh bark of kanchanara is grinded with sunti and kanjika(fermented mixture with barley or millet) , used internally.
    Masurika – swarnamakshika bhasma is given with decoction of kanchanara bark.
    Formulations : Kanchanara guggulu, kovidaradi kashaya

    Family : Mimosoideae
    Synonyms :Gayatri, Raktasara, somavalka
    Rasa : Tikta, kashaya
    Guna : Laghu, ruksha
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha-pittahara
    Indication : Kandu, kasa, aruci, krmi, prameha
    Parts used : stem bark, heartwood, flowers
    Therapeutic uses :
    Bhagandhara -Decoction of khadira and triphala enriched with ghee and powder of vidanga is given orally.
    Svitra – Internal & external use of khadira kashaya is useful.
    Formulations : Khadiradi vati, khadirarishta

    Family :Myrtaceae
    Synonyms: Varija, divyagandha, sri
    Rasa :bitter, pungent
    Guna :light, unctuous
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :kapha-pitha hara, good for eyes, digestion,taste
    Indication :Thrist, vomiting, pain, cough, breathlessness, hiccup
    Parts used : floral bud, clove oil
    Therapeutic uses :
    Pain(vatari) – lavanga is pounded and applied with warm water externally
    Visucika – water boiled with clove is filtered and given.
    Formulations : Avipattikara curna, khadiradi gulika, lavangadi vati and curna

    Family : Rubiaceae
    Synonyms: Vastra ranjani, vikasa, mandukaparni, yojana valli
    Rasa : Sweet, bitter
    Guna :Heavy, sharp
    Virya : hot
    Vipaka : pungent
    Karma :kapha pithahara, varnya, visaghna
    Indication :fever, mutrakrchra, prameha, kushta, visarpa, sotha, raktatisara, netra roga.
    Parts used : root
    Therapeutic uses :
    Meha – Manjishta and candhana kashaya is useful
    Arsas – In bleeding piles ghee prepared with manjishta and sigru should be given
    Formulations :Pinda taila, maha majishtadi kvatha, manjishtadi taila, panca tikta guggulu ghrta

    Family :Meliaceae
    Synonyms: arishta, hingu niryasa
    Rasa :bitter, astringent
    Guna :light, rough
    Virya :cold
    Vipaka :pungent
    Karma :kp reduction, digestive stimulant, kills intestinal worms, improves vision
    Indication : fever, skin diseases, worms, diabetes,
    Parts used : root bark, stem bark, flower, leaves, seeds, seed oil
    Therapeutic uses :
    Urticaria – nima leaves and amalaki dried fruits are mixed with ghee and given regularly.
    Skin diseases – nimbi and patola are used in different forms.
    Formulations :Nimbasava, nimbadi churna, pancha tikta guggulu ghrta, pancha tikta kashaya

    Family : Valerianaeae
    Synonyms: Jata, tapasvini, nalada
    Rasa : Tikta, kashaya, madhura
    Guna : Laghu , snigdha
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Tridoshahara
    Indication : Kushta, kandu, visarpa, jvara
    Parts used : Rhizome
    Therapeutic uses :
    Kushta – Putika, devadaru, mamsi, indravaruni, guduci, mudgaparni and kakanasa are made as paste applied locally.
    Vatarakta – After siravyadhana, paste of Madhuka, asvatha, tvak, mamsi, vira, udumbara and durva should be applied.
    Formulations : Jadamayadi lepana choornam, maha paisacika ghrta, kuluthadi ghrta

    Family : Liliaceae
    Synonyms: Yavanesta, mukhsdusaka
    Rasa : Madhura , katu
    Guna : Guru, snigdha, tiksna
    Virya : Anusna
    Vipaka : Madhura
    Karma : Vatahara, vrsya, rasayana
    Indication : Raktapitta, prameha
    Parts used : Bulb, seeds
    Therapeutic uses :
    Hikka – bulb of grnjana should be mixed with nari stanya and applied as nasal drops.
    Visucika – Juice of palandu should be taken in the dose of 80ml.

    Family : Cruciferae
    Synonyms: Katu sneha, Bhutaghna
    Rasa : Katu, tikta
    Guna :Laghu, snigdha
    Virya : Usna
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha vatahara
    Indication : Krmi, kushta, kandu
    Parts used : Seed
    Therapeutic uses : Danta roga – Sarsapa and rocksalt are made into powder and used as tooth powder.
    Formulations : Sarsapadi taila

    Family : Cruciferae
    Vernacular name : Mullangi
    Rasa : Katu, Tikta
    Guna : Laghu
    Virya : Usna
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Tridoshahara
    Indication : Jvara, kasa, nasaroga, netra, arsas
    Parts used : Tuberous root
    Therapeutic uses :
    Sotha – Mulaka and tila are given together
    Atisara – Mulaka yusa (soup) is very useful
    Formulations : Mulakadya taila

    Family : Bursuraceae
    Synonyms: Susrava, gajabhaksya
    Rasa : Kashaya, tikta, madhura
    Guna : Laghu, ruksa
    Virya : Katu
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha pitta hara
    Indication : Amavata, atisara, raktapitta, vrana
    Parts used : Bark, gum
    Therapeutic uses :
    Vrana – sallaki fruit powder or ash of flax may be applied locally.
    Formulations : Sallaki tablet, bark decoction

    Family : Mimosaceae
    Synonyms: Namaskar, samanga, sparsarodanika
    Rasa : Kashaya, tikta
    Guna : Laghu, ruksa
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha pittahara, sandhaniya
    Indication : Yoni roga, atisara,jvara, raktapitta
    Parts used : Root, whole plant
    Therapeutic uses :
    Lajjalu root with rice water is administered orally.
    Formulations : Fresh juice orally.

    Family : Fabaceae
    Synonyms: Pita Bija
    Rasa : Katu
    Guna : Laghu, snigdha
    Virya : Usna
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha vata hara, raktapitta kara, krimighna
    Indication : Jvara, prameha, krmi, sula
    Parts used : seeds
    Therapeutic uses :
    Fenugreek decoction taken orally to reduce stomach pain.
    Formulations : Panca jirakapaka, methi modaka

    Family : Fabaceae
    Synonyms: Tila parna, raktasara
    Rasa : Tikta, madhura
    Guna : Guru, ruksa
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha pittahara, caksusya, vrsya
    Indication : Raktapitta, brahma, jvara, daha
    Parts used : Heartwood
    Therapeutic uses : Timira – Rakta chandana is grinded with water , honey, ghee and oil and applied as collyrium for 7 days.
    Formulations : Pushyanuga churna, lakshadi ghrta, triphaladi ghrta

    Family : Zingiberaceae
    Synonyms: Elaparni, Yukta, sugandha
    Rasa : Tikta
    Guna : Guru
    Virya : Usna
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha vatahara, anti ageing
    Indication : Arthritis, sciatica, lower back pain, joint pain,stiffness
    Parts used : Rhizome, leaves
    Therapeutic uses :
    Decoction can be used for joint pain orally.
    Formulations : Rasnadi kashayam, rasnasaptakam kashayam, rasnadi choornam

    Family : Styraceae
    Synonyms: Akshibaishajya, tilvaka, tirita
    Rasa : Kashaya, tikta
    Guna : Laghu, ruksha
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Katu
    Karma : Kapha pittahara, Cakshushya
    Indication : Netra roga, Pradara, raktapitha, pravahika
    Parts used : Stem bark, flower
    Therapeutic uses :
    Kushta – Bark paste used externally.
    Pradara -Bark of lodhra is given orally with the decoction of vata barak
    Formulations : lodhradi choornam, lodhradi kashaya, Rodrasava

    Family : Pedaliaceae
    Synonyms: Ellu
    Rasa : Madhura, kasaya, tikta
    Guna : Guru, snigdha
    Virya : Usna
    Vipaka : Madhura
    Karma : Vatahara, good for skin, hair, sperm production, strength
    Indication : Vata roga, grahani, agnimandhya , yoni roga
    Parts used : seeds,oil
    Therapeutic uses :
    Sesame seeds with jaggery helps to gain weight
    Sesame oil good for hair, skin.
    Formulations :
    Tiladi gutika, tilastaka, tila taila

    Family : Euphorbiaceae
    Synonyms: Guda, Sudha, Vajri
    Rasa : Katu
    Guna :Laghu, tikshna, snigdha
    Virya :Usna
    Vipaka :Katu
    Karma :Kapha vatahara,
    Indication : Vata vyadhi, cures sprue, pain , skin diseases
    Parts used : latex, stem, leaf, root
    Therapeutic uses : Krimi danta – root of snuhi is chewed.
    Vrana – apply steamed leaves of snuhi for 5 – 6 days.
    Formulations : Jathyadi varti, snuhi ghrta, jalodarari ras

    Family : Musaceae
    Synonyms: Moca, ambusara
    Rasa : Madhura
    Guna :Guru, snigdha
    Virya :Sita
    Vipaka : Madhura
    Karma : Pitta vatahara, brahmana, vrsya
    Indication : Acidity, burning sensation, diabetes, TB
    Parts used : Fruits, flower, tuber, pith of stem
    Therapeutic uses :
    Menorrhagia – kadali fruit with ghee
    Formulations : Kadali kanda rasayana

    Family : Arecaceae
    Synonyms: Nalikera, Trnaraja
    Rasa : Madhura
    Guna :Guru, snigdha
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Madhura
    Karma : Vata pittahara, balya, bhrmana
    Indication : Raktatisara, gulma, jvara, daha
    Parts used : Fruit, kernel, flower, oil, root, fruit shell
    Therapeutic uses :
    Coconut water +barley powder used for urinary retension
    Formulations : Narikela lavana, narikela kanda, Illaneer kuzhambu

    Family : Poaceae
    Synonyms: Venu , Trna dvaja, yavaphala
    Rasa : Madhura, kasaya
    Guna : Laghu, ruksa
    Virya : Sita
    Vipaka : Madhura
    Karma : Kapha pittahara, chedana, vasti sodhana
    Indication : Mutrakrchhra, prameha, kushta
    Parts used : roots, nodes, leaves, fruits and vamsalochana
    Therapeutic uses :
    Decoction used for prameha
    Vamsalochana mixed with honey – cold, cough, fever
    Formulations : Vamsalochana