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    Body Nourishing Fluid System


    Whenever there is a hot feeling in the body it is called jwara – vyadhi, i.e. pyrexia.

    Causes :

    • Improper or excessive application of therapeutic measures like oleation, fomentation, emesis, purgation, enema and blood letting.
    • injuries or trauma
    • ripening of abscesses, ulcers, wounds etc
    • excessive work, emaciation of body tissues, indigestion or conception of poisonous or toxic substances etc
    • incompatible foods
    • seasonal changes
    • psychological causes like excessive worry, fever, lust etc
    • infective causative agent, improper post delivery care for ladies, first time milk production etc

    Symptoms :

    • High temperature manifesting in the entire body and lack of sleep.
    • loose bowels with burning sensation in the abdomen and other parts of the body.
    • Increased thirst and sometimes perspiration
    • the taste of mouth is bitter, giddiness and burning of Eyes
    • Eruption on the body
    • ulcer in mouth, face, nose, delirium, yellow urine, body ache etc

    Ayurvedic Remedies :

    • The patient should be given perfect rest in bed
    • fasting for stimulating digestion
    • shadanga Paniya should be given as drink
    • Tiktaka kwatha, papara kashaya etc are very helpful in reducing temperature.
    • Sudarsanam gulika, mrthyunjaya rasa are Highly Effective with Ginger juice or honey.
    • Medications like vettumaran gulika, nayopayam kashayam, amruthotharam kashayam, Amrutharishtam, sudarsanam gulika etc can be used.


    Aama in combination with vata dosha produces this disease and hence it is called Aama vata.

    Causes :

    • Reduced digestive power
    • Person who is not doing regular exercise takes a diet of opposite qualities and does opposite activities.
    • Doing an exercise immediately after eating oily food

    Symptoms :

    • Body ache, loss of taste, thirst, laziness, heaviness, fever, indigestion.
    • In addition to these symptoms there are more symptoms like salivation, increased urinary output, loss of sleep, burning etc.
    • The affected joint is painful, swollen and hot to touch. The pains are similar to that of a Scorpion bite.
    • These symptoms in the joints are migratory. They shift from one joint to another. When the second joint is involved, the first affected joint becomes normal or remains swollen and painful.
    • The big joints are affected in this disease such as the ankle, knee, hip, sacroiliac and joints of neck, hands,feet. symptoms vary according to the predominance of dosa. Pitta is responsible for burning ,redness; vata is responsible for pain,kapha is responsible for stiffness, heaviness,and itching.

    Ayurvedic Remedies :

    • Fasting, fomentation, use of pungent and bitter herbs which will increase digestive power and improve digestion, laxatives, oleation and enema of medicated oil. In this order, treatment is given.
    • Herbs used- rasna,guggulu,sunti,eranda,haritaki,vatsanabha.
    • Castor oil is used as laxity and it is most effective.
    • preparation used – Simhanada guggulu,sahachara guggulu

    Pandu Roga

    Pandu means pallor or paleness. The disease in which pallor is a chief manifestation, is called Pandu roga.

    Causes :

    • Intake of sour, pungent, salty food in excess.
    • Food of opposite quality
    • Food intake containing legume, sesame, sesame oil, fermented food
    • Day sleep, excessive exercise and sexual activities
    • Spicy food intake containing chillies and Pickle

    Symptoms :

    • Swelling under the lower eyelid
    • Palpitation, dryness
    • Pallor of skin,lips,,palate,eyes,nails
    • Lethargy, giddiness, ringing in ears, loss of hair, frequent spitting, reduced speech
    • Disliking for cold, cramps in legs, fever, Breathlessness

    Ayurvedic Remedies :

    • Lohasavam
    • Mandoora vadakam
    • Triphala choornam
    • Drakshadi kashayam

    Body Nourishing Fluid System